Death in Paradise is a British-French crime drama television series that has been running since 2011. Set on the fictional Caribbean island of Saint Marie, the show follows a team of detectives who solve murders in a tropical paradise. In 2022, a spinoff series titled “Beyond Paradise” was announced. The new series will be filmed in Cornwall, England, rather than in the Caribbean.
The choice to film in Cornwall is an interesting one. The show’s creators have said that they wanted to create a new version of the show that was set in a different location. Cornwall is known for its dramatic coastlines, stunning beaches, and beautiful countryside, which makes it an ideal location for filming.
The new series will feature a new cast of characters who are investigating crimes in the beautiful county. This new location will provide a fresh setting and a new approach to the storytelling of the show. In the script ‘Shipton Abbott’ is in Devon, but much of the filming actually took place in our neck of the woods, South East Cornwall. Looe masquerades as the show’s main town which is a great place for a visit with 2 beaches (one of which is where Martha attends a yoga class while trying to handle her relationship issues) and numerous great places to dine.
The production team searched for the perfect locations around Cornwall to shoot the new series, including beaches, historic buildings, and beautiful towns. They found many within a few miles of Lower Marsh Farm!
Local locations include our fabulous neighbours at Pentillie Castle where Humphrey and Martha’s boat was located, Martha’s mother lives and many other scenes. You can visit Pentillie Castle on one of their garden open days (and book a delicious afternoon tea) or for outdoor theatre events.
Port Eliot is the real life location for Martha’s cafe, Reciprocity set in the old stables. This estate is just 20 minutes from Lower Marsh Farm and you can visit their gardens on most days
Launceston, a lovely little hilly town a short drive from us (well worth a visit to look around 11th-century Launceston Castle), also hosts scenes.
You can read more about the filming locations in the Countryfile article here.