Enjoy a wander through our Orchard next to a babbling brook. This area is planted mainly with a selection of local Tamar Valley heritage apple, pear and cherry trees – then there are a couple of plum, quince, walnut and crab apple trees. It is also the location of the tennis court, a small play area for young children, a basket ball hoop – and not seen in this video there is also a glorious huge Oak tree which has a ‘mud kitchen’ for youngsters plus up on the bank with views to the river is a hammock for peaceful relaxation.
In Spring, the Orchard is filled with, amongst others, daffodils, violets, primroses and of course lots of beautiful blossom. Then during the Summer, it is filled with butterflies galore! When we reach September / October, the apple harvest is ready for pressing into delicious Apple Juice.
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